Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"I dont need second chance.. I just need a chance from you to make you happy"

Istanbul here I come. That is the direct translation of the movie that I watched last night.
It was an in promptu decision for us to go and hace a movie outing in a weekday night. Aha!
So how was it? It was a Malay chick flick movie. Just a light one...mediocre acting but the nice part was where the shooting took place, Istanbul! From James Bond to this movie.. I think has caught my eye to have a visit to Istanbul. It's really beautiful :)

Back about the movie.. It is about a girl that went to Istanbul to look for her boyfriend of 6-years to make him propose. Well, to cut the story short, something went wrong in between they got into a fight instead and she got to rethink of whether is he the guy that she wants to be with.

What caught my attention and stuck into my mind was the what the new guy told the girl before she went back to Malaysia. It went something like this upon translation:

"I dont need second chance.. I just need a chance from you to make you happy".

That phrase just got stuck into my mind. Sometimes, many actually blew the chances given to them. Second chance is ok but not to be used in all aspects. I did experience seeing how some people still blew their second chance given which I bet many rethink why did they even give the second chance.

For what ever the reason behind the chances given, I believe that we must always appreciate any chances that is given to us...Chances are we never know when it will come knocking back to us again.

Sometimes we question the decisions we made... Sometimes we ponder what will it be like to go through the road that we did not take...

May it is high time for us to stop and think...are we actually doing the right thing :)


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's a leaf? it's a lipstick? it's a Nokia!

It tickled me reading the title "Nokia unveils crazy-looking X5 smartphone" . Oh well, Nokia has its own stint of making weird looking phones since way back. Remember the leaf shape phone? The maze like and the lipstick phone ? I so wanted to have the lipstick phone back then.. not as the primary phone, just as a collection..but somehow until now, if you check out on ebay, that lipstick phone still cost more than $120. It does have some aesthetic value till now.

Technology has always excite me in many ways, not just mobile phones, other gadgets as well. No I dont have thick specs, binary watch or speak programming language. I am just someone who will try to utilize what she has to the fullest. Trying to make every cents paid counts ;)

Currently, no doubt there is a discussion between smartphone and non-smartphone. Some may ask why does company like Nokia is still producing non-smartphone. Simple, not everyone wants the phone more than just answering call and text. Sometimes I do wonder, do we actually need all the functions needed in a smartphone?

It is no doubt that smartphones gets us connected, do work on the go, make one want to share almost every detail of your daily life some (schedules, whereabout etc). First thing to look at in the morning and last thing before sleeping. Well, that was me. You may or may not experience the same thing. Oh ya, and not forgetting treating the phone as the comfort teddy bear when you just dont feel like talking or lonely at a new/foreign space.

I have been off my Blackberry for more than a week right now (Thanks for the ever popular red light error). Currently using my 'crazy-looking X5 Smartphone'. Still a smartphone but running on Symbian. Sounded a lil early 2000s but I think it still served the basic needs. Shall discuss more on that another time and this time, I got to experience biNu

Looking on another side of the coin, if my Nokia phone can actually say something, I am pretty sure it'll say " Karma is a b**** , isnt it? " and give me a super wide grin :D Well, truth be told, I must admit that my X5 phone I consider as a worth buy. Bought it at about RM600 at that time,this phone with physical slider QWERTY keyboard has 5 megapixel on-board camera with a 4x digital zoom, with a LED flash, 2Gb card in the box, ability to sync your email and connect to internet via wifi. Come to think of it,it's pretty decent actually. Obviously, I ditch aside making way for my Blackberry. Oh well.. sorry N, I needed more emails to push ( that was what I thought at that time)

Will share more on my next post. Before that, I would like to take everyone back to the memory lane when BBM was not in our daily dictionary, Whatsapp have not existed and so are Viber, Kakaotalk, Tango and the list will go on and on. Back then, we text, text and text and yes, remember those pixel picture messages, polyphonic ringtone, and snake? Checkout this post by CNet Nokia: A long and innovative history

Have fun!


Tuesday, October 02, 2012

He said "Be, so it is"


The last entry I wrote in was 2nd August 2012, and now is 0015 2nd October 2012. Time just kept on going and going without waiting. So thus life and its surrounding...moving and changing.

Judging from my last post, that was before my life took a big turn, to make me revisit about love, relationship and of course, the Almighty. I wish I could share it out with everyone but that'll be another real life drama. I do wish to share what I observed from it.

Re collecting my thoughts on the days after 2nd August leads me to one thought..In everything we do..we must never stop to pray and ask God for forgiveness from the Almighty. Allah showed me love, He showed me changed and above all,He made me realised my mistakes as well. When going through the emotional turbulence,nothing else can keep you to stay put, other than Him.

Insyallah my friends, when you're in doubt, seek for answers from Him, when you're in need, go look for Him, when you feel weak, seek for strength but when you're happy, never ever forget Him. There's no love greater than His love...all you need, is just to come back to Him, remember Him, repent and appreciate all the time you have before it's too late.

In loving memory of...the girl that showed me what it is to never give up, the girl that made me realised what love is...the girl that once filled the joy and happiness, the center universe of another soul. Rest in peace my dear...I believe you'll be ok lil angel..paradise is where you belong Insyallah. Al Fatihah.

Everything happened for a reason. Allah knows best

"His command, when He intends anything, is only to say to it: Be, so it is". 36:82

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Assalam & Salam Ramadhan

Assalam & Salam Ramadhan

It felt just like yesterday when I went for the first terawikh at Masjid Wilayah with my whole family. today as I amwriting thisi piece is 11th Ramadhan, we are halfway through the holy month.

It was nothing common when I heard, read and learn that Ramadhan is such a special month for us Muslim.Day in and out it was nit until ast Ramadhan that I experience what has been said. A lot has happened before the last Ramadhan came by but those were what that lead me to take the turn in life.

I remembered about a week before last Ramadhan, when I decided to go and buy stocks of tudung to have enough for me to wear throughtout the month. Truth be told, I prayed to Allah to give me all the will to make it last forever. No doubt , it is true what I read before, to change is possible, but to be istiqamah with it, is challenging.

Time passed and here comes another Ramadhan, Alhamdulillah. I started this Ramadhan trying my best to replicate the spirit of Ramadhan in when I was in Mecca and Madinah. Alhamdulillah I was fortunate to experience fasting in Madinah and first day of EidFitr in Mecca. It felt like I was dreaming. Come to think of it, we registered and got everything prepared including registration,vaccination, visa n etc all within a month before departure.

We may mot have the same environment over here but we can always try to live our each day to the fullest. Try to seek for forgiveness, the guidance you need and the wish that you wished for.Insyallah, Allah will open the way. Be it Ramadhan or any other months, what ever we do, we must always come back to the One.


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Testing testing 1 2 3


Testing testing 123. Im writing my post through this app that I just downloaded, Bloggerdroid. Well, I'vr been tying to find the app that I will feel comfortable with to write my blog via my tablet. I am still yet to rectify whether it just my preference for physical keyboard, or it is just me that prevented myself to update my blog via my tablet.

Currently, Im using the firat gen Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0. One thing that I like about this 7.0 is that it can fit almost all the handbags I have. Also, you cab use it to make calls. Well, many would say that it'll be such a big phone but hey, do you know that it is super handy when your main phone is out of batt? :D It helped me alot!

Having said that, I cant deny the fact that new iPad is very tempting.. My geekish side of me is screaming! No matter what the decision will be, I need to do some check and balance first and decide.

For the time being, shall just enjoy my 7.0 :)


Friday, June 08, 2012

Sunset in Kota Kinabalu


It had been awhile since I last visited Kota Kinabalu. This time I went for some work. The picturesque sunset of Kota Kinabalu(KK) is fresh in my mind. "We only live once..". It kept ringing in my head. I had good conversation while watching the sunset at Waterfront Kota Kinabalu,which I really appreciate.

Coming back from KK made me realised that I do need to improve the quality time for myself, to things I like and to explore. I'm quite an explorer by nature. I love to experience new things, visit new places and learn something new.

I used to wall climb, watch the sun, have some walk to enjoy good view and so many others. I do miss Cyberjaya and Putrajaya for the lake. I wonder how's the fishes there now, I'm pretty sure it's getting fatter! Haha. There used to be this one family of fish that I like to watch. I saw them grew and got old ;)

Generally,I love sunrise because the first rays of light gave symbolically like rays of hope that there's light after the whole night of darkness.

Somehow my last evening in KK,I love the sunset. The beautiful sunset made me feel that even the sun sets nicely to give the us a rest, to create a balance for us.

It's high time to put the feet down, think and strategies to achieve the work-life balance. Insyallah, shall work the balance to be as hopeful as the sunrise and as beautiful as it sets.

Time is life, can't agree more. We can work for all our life but we only live once. Make each seconds worth.



Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Big Tree


This is the 21st day of the year..and most of my Chinese friends are preparing for their New Year.
As I am writing this, I am on KLIA Express on my way to KL Sentral. KL, a place where I belong.

I was out of town to another state for almost a week. In between my tight schedule over there, I managed to squeeze an opportunity to go to a smaller town outside the state's city centre.

No doubt , it is full of greens and the view was picturesque! Nonetheless, it pinched me also to think what could have triggered a culture shock.

For quite sometime I always wonder, will it be a big adjustment from someone out of the city to come over to the capital city Kuala Lumpur. Apparently, I learnt that there are a lot to adjust.

From quiet and tranquil environment to the bustling busy city life..from the scenic green view to concrete jungle..from a quiet night to a city that never sleeps...from ferry to lrt..from local dialect to another dialect...and more importantly, from staying with family to staying away from family

Living on your own is a test on whom you really are and what you want in life. Are you easily you still carry the values being taught at home..did you turn into a person that is not whom you really are..

No matter how strong the current is, I believe we should stay strong with our own principles in life. Never feel inferior about our ownself. Where we come from, our background, our family..

Life is a lifelong journey. It is good to have a strong hold to our roots.. With a good heart,together, one will be strong enough not to let it be destroyed from the inside also from the outside.

We can never change how we started but we can change how it shall end. In the course of going up the social ladder and lifestyle, there should be no reason to forget or ditch where we came from..

Take a look around,what nature has shown to us...A tree that can stand tall and live longer..are the ones that have a very strong root that goes deep on the ground. Come to think of it, even The Big Tree is still around! ;)

Have an awesome holiday everyone!

* The Big Tree is an iconic tree that has been around at Malay College Kuala Kangsar, one of the oldest school in Malaysia established in 1905.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.