Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Doa Solat Dhuha


Yes, it had been 2 months since I last posted something in my blog. I really wish I could write more...but anyway, that shall be new year resolution now :)

Just to share, here's a short translation on doa for Solat Dhuha. Hope it's helpful.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Hello Sayang~

Hello.. Hi sayang!

It is such a relieved to hear the person on the other line’s voice. Be it your love one, a friend or just someone that you need to call and talk to. Last night, I have a good chat with one of the closest person in my life that is currently thousands of kilometres away from me.

It is amazing how communication connects you with the world. Phone name it, as long as it helps you to communicate, that is what communication does best.

Telecommunication is a very beautiful field that not much known to many out there. From every successful call connected and internet connection connected, there are many unsung heroes behind the scene that made it possible.

Lets look at it from a different view all together…

I always put it this way, no matter how complicated a guy can be, communications is even more complicated.

As we are sleeping soundly at night…having the sweetest dream you ever wish for… There are people that are very wide awake to get upgrading, migration or planned maintenance work on your network done and successful. Time is limited, the work is a lot, and mistakes...are unwelcomed. Everything must be on time to ensure that the next day when you wake up, you’ll be able to call…you’ll be connected to the internet as if nothing happened.

When Malaysia started to lay out the fibre to the home services, many made remarks on why it was not available to whole Malaysia. Getting the hair-like optical fibre to the home, it is not as even like pulling a hair from a haystack...from setting up the local exchanges to the open cutting some of the roads, there are definitely souls that worked day and night, just to ensure that everything goes according to the schedule and more Malaysian will get to enjoy the magic of high speed broadband.

Your modem, your setup box, your phone, everything supplied by the service provider are all tested the compatibility with the current network. For these tech geeks, their working environment is mainly at the test beds which are generally cold with no windows. Armed with sheets of test plans and procedures, with weeks of meetings and planning to finalise the test plans and requirements, this army will then work hard like a bee to go through each test items.

I may be sexist at some points, but as unpredictable a man can be, so does the network. When it is kind, it makes everyone’s day…it can be choosy as well, not every equipment brought to the lab will be compatible with the network, no matter how sexy it could be ;)

Your painful wait to get your connections installed is also a killing worry to those involved. From working late and skipped meals, from a radiantly young to accelerated aging, from nightmare to sleepless nights…even Marvel superheroes may not be able to stand the challenge!

No doubt many service providers has not a favourable customer service but I wish everyone to just take a short break and look at telecommunication from another point of view all together.

If you ask me, honestly speaking, if there’s a major strike to happen, pray that it does not come from the telecommunication sector. Imagine a day with no phone calls, no internet, no communications also no flight in/out , you shall be totally cut off from the world. That is craaazy!

Truth be told, minus the drama, the tears, the sweat and the sleepless nights behind the scene, the goal is always one: To get you connected. It made me smile whenever someone appreciate the video call session with their love one overseas, the late night chats and the abundance of knowledge transferred across the web.

Everyone Connects! J

Hello Sayangs~
Somehow I bumped into this post that I wrote quite sometime ago and left in my notebook without posting. So here you go sayangss ;)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Good Relationship

Taken from one of the lecture notes I have...


S - Stop talking

A - Adopt active listening

R - Reflect content or feeling

A - Act with empathy

H - Handle the subject matter

Monday, October 03, 2011

Petua untuk mencari bakal suami yang baik

Petua untuk mencari bakal suami yang baik

1. Pilih yang baik dan beragama – agama nie penting kerana ia mendidik kita untuk menjadi insan yang lebih baik. Kalau takde agama, takdelah pegangan dalam hidup, kan? Nak didik anak bini pun susah. Lelaki yang beragama nie bukan sajer boleh memimpin dirinya sendiri, bahkan dia juga boleh jadi pemimpin yang baik kepada isteri dan anak-anaknya. So, sebelum melihat kriteria2 lain, lihatlah dulu pegangan agamanya, okey dan boleh tak si dia membimbing kita ke jalan yang betul kelak…

2. Cari yang sabar dan penyayang – semasa tengah berdating, mungkin you all dah dapat detect perangaiboyfriend korang kan? Penyabar ke atau pemarah? Cuba uji… misalnya berpura-pura buat bende yang dia tak suka ke, time tu la nak tengok dia melenting ke tak. Kalau dia marah tahap cipan, sah2 dia panas baran. Jangan pilih lelaki camni cik adik oii, kalau tidak, seksa hidup ko nanti.

3. Jangan nilai pada rupa – ‘don’t judge a book by it’s cover’..ataupun jangan nilai buku melalui kulitnya sajer! Sebab kecantikan luaran nie sementara ajer. Mungkin rupa si dia nie macam rupa orang pecah rumah, tapi mungkin hatinya baik. Kalau muka tu sehensem Tom Cruise, tapi perangai tak senonoh, nak buat aper, kan? Ingatlah nanti kalau kita tua, tua samer2. Kedut pun, kedut sama2 (melainkan ada salah sorang yang pakai botox…huhu :-) )

4. Hormat orang tua – sememangnya kite nak calon suami yang bukan saje taat pada mak bapak dia, tapi juga hormat pada orang tua kita, kan? So, kalau si dia datang ke rumah, perhatikanlah tingkah laku dia pada mak bapak kite pulak. Dia hormat ke atau kurang ajar?

5. Cari yang boleh mendengar dan mendidik – penting nie sebab kalau kita ada problem, ada jugak insan yang sudi mendengar luahan hati kite, betul tak? Bukan tu jer, kalau ada bende yang kite tak tau, si dia juga boleh mendidik kita khususnya dalam bab2 agama. Jangan 2×5 sudahler…:-)

6. Lihat pada family dia – nie biasanya dipraktikkan masa zaman mak bapak kita dulu. Masa nak cari jodoh untuk anak-anak diorang, mereka akan ‘melihat’ pada keluarga si lelaki dulu. Kalau semernya baik2 ajer, dapatlah ‘green light’…sebab ‘ke mana tumpahnya kuah kalau bukan ke nasi’nya, kan? Mak bapak kitalah juga yang membentuk kita untuk jadi insan yang berguna atau tak satu hari nanti. Tapi ada jugak yang mak bapak kurang baik tapi dapat anak yang baik…:-). So, nilailah betul-betul yer.

7. Pilih yang (ikhlas) sayang kat kite – maksudnya pilih jejaka yang betul-betul sayang kat kite. Jangan pulak pilih lelaki yang kita sayang tapi si dia plak buat endah tak endah je kat kita. Ada jugak kes di mana si lelaki nie berpura-pura sayang kat si gadis kerana hanya nak main-mainkan dia. So, kalau anda di dalam situasi di mana anda kena pilih di antara lelaki yang anda sayang dan lelaki yang sayang pada anda… sebaik2nya pilihlah option yang kedua tuh…:-)


Reminding myself and those who needs it :)

Credit to:

Salam October

Time flies~ it's already the 10th month of the year.
Going through the tough , rough, hustle and tussle of life, sometimes we forget to check and balance how do we actually spend our daily life.

Life has changed a lot for me. Alhamdulillah, it had been more peaceful in the inside. Umrah was quite a spiritual journey for me and of course, last Ramadhan was the most meaningful Ramadhan till date. I thank Allah for showing the path that I should.

Sometimes we felt that it's too late to change, to do something or to just give ourself a try onto something new. Trust me, it's never too late. You'll end up regretting not trying than regretting failing after trying. Of course, when you have given your very best,if it is stilll not good is time to move on.

This month is a wedding month I should say. Looking at my Facebook events invites especially, thanks for all the wedding invitations. Honestly, I might not make it to all.. but no worries, Insyallah, you have all my doa for a healty,peaceful and happy marriage life :) I wish you all the best and yes, do pray for me too :)

There's many things I wish I can share.. will do my very best to share. As much as I learnt throughout my life, I do wish to share with all of you too :)

Have a good October! Have fun :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Roller coasters ride anyone?

The memories were still clear…it was one of the unfortunate days it had been; my car’s AC was not working. It kept blowing hot air rather than cooling my car. I was on my way to my grandma’s place, for kenduri arwah. Traffic was moving like a snail, I was caught in the bad crawl that supposed to be just a 20mins journey to my grandma’s place. What went wrong? A bunch of people were protesting back then with bright yellow t-shirt.

July 9th 2011, the same epic was tried to revive by the group. They call it 2.0, yeah, the second instalment of the epic that went on a success that took 6 months for my country to gain its tourism industry and not forgetting, the amount of money lost by businesses and small sellers that were on that fateful day. This year, it is the same game, demanding on a clean and fair election.

Honestly speaking, I have nothing against bodies, individuals or whoever that would want to claim the right to a fair and clean election. Everyone would wish for that of course. After all, do not just look at the current government, we also have a long serving Menteri Besar of particular state that needs a lot of catching up to do. He might have been really naughty to have been winning all the elections over the years when no significant changes had been made in his state. Worst still, his counter parts in Penang and Ipoh Timor are also long serving parliamentarian that had been winning elections for 37 and 42 years respectively. That’s simply too long man! These guys must have been super duper clean y’all~ yes? no?

Back to the dirty election thing, the current ruling party must be out of their mind for giving out FIVE states in the last election. I remembered really well during the last election results hours…my hand turned cold when knowing that my state was losing to the opposition. Many claimed that change is needed, but quoting Tun M; change isn’t always for the better. Truth be told, 3 years of ruling, not all the last GE manifestos were met and worst still, for some strange reason, massage parlours seems to bloom well in my state after their winning. That may be coincidence but that is just part of my observations.

Back to the main story, the main organizers of 9th July rally wanted a rally to send a memorandum to YDPA. Here are some facts pertaining about it:

1. She got the audience of the King and memorandum wasn’t sent

2. The rally could have been done in a stadium but they refused to do so

3. Let’s do some simple logic:

a. Stadium merdeka could fit 20k people

b. Stadium Shah Alam could fit 80k people

c. Why choose Stadium Merdeka again?

Freedom of speech and expression is well shouted by many, but others have the freedom to lead a life too. SPR has already given their reply to the 8 points proposed, why is the rally in the town still needed? Some will say to create awareness. OK, then why not in stadium? Coz it’s not chaotic enough..?

About the 8 points raised, honestly speaking, I don’t oppose all. However, that is not the vital solution to the so-called clean and fair election that you wanted. I would not want my fingers to be inked, just to mark that I have voted. euwww. Worst still, if I were to have my engagement or wedding a few days later. I’d rather used my thumbprint as suggested by SPR. Another thing is yes, the right to vote and the right to choose not to vote is part of our democratic process. Even in USA, voters must register themselves to vote in the election. Excuse me, do not force me to vote or register me as a voter, it is my choice, my right! So what is the big deal?

In my point of view, it is good that there are suggestions to improve our electoral system. Having said that… suggestions may and may not be followed. However, there is no need to go to the streets, there are stadium and of course and with the audience by the King the memorandum should have just be passed. No chaos.

Unless the main objective to create chaos by all means, 9th July , you got what you wanted. Businesses were closed, tourist couldn’t go for their day tour and not forgetting, weddings were empty. Many may not feel what it feels like to be in that situation, do not wait until it hits your own family to have the empathy onto others. That’ll be just too sad.

From my eyes, 9th July illustrated how selfish one may be… Some had fun taking pictures and updating their social network sites celebrating the freedom of speech…some may also are excited to be a newbie in a rally. I still wonder whether all the 68 bodies that supported the memorandum were there during the rally, I know one of it texted their members NOT to join.

At the end of the day, the question remains, who were the MAJORITY of the people that joined the rally last Saturday. Were they members of the 68 associations, clubs and bodies that supported the memorandum or are they the hardcore supporters of political parties?

For those who claimed that they are apolitical, what were you preaching for, especially when the crowd started to chant Reformasi ?

Never let ourselves to be taken for a ride…



Sunday, June 05, 2011

Cell phones : Reducing risk

Salam All,
was reading newspaper this morning and I came across this article in The Star newspaper.
An international panel of scientists says that cell phones are a possible cancer risk, despite earlier studies that were inconclusive.

Ways to limit potential risk fron exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy from cell phone use:

1. Use a wired headset
- or speaker mode to put more distance between your head and the cell phone's antenna, thr source of RF energy

2. Consider texting
- rather than calling;again, that puts more distance between your head and the antenna

3. Dont carry your phone in your pocket or on your belt
- Carry it in your bag or coat; put it on your desk when it's not in use

4. Dont use the phone as an alarm clock
- RF energy is being emitted by your cell phone even when it is not taking calls

Take Care everyone...


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Some pics from the 1mil Youth Gathering in Putrajaya, 27-29th May 2011

Salam All...
Here it goes, there's many to talk about this youth gathering but I guess I'll share some of the pics first. Hehe.

Enjoy the pics!

Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oops. wrong again...

My friend emailed this to me... not sure where it originated from,that person who wrote it should be given credit.Feels like sharing it with everyone. For all the singles out there, have faith, everything happened for a reason. Insyallah, we'll find the right one for us :)


Kenapa Allah Temukan Kita Dengan Orang Yang Salah

Memang sakit bila cinta yg kita dambakan selama ini tak dihargai oleh insan yg bernama kekasih,apatah lagi kita dibuang begitu saja... tapi,itulah juga petanda terbaik untuk diri dan kehidupan kita pada masa akan datang.

1. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya apabila kita bertemu jodoh yg sebenar,masih ada rasa syukur kita pada ketentuanNYA.

2. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita dapat menjadi penilai yg baik.

3. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita sedar bahawa kita hanyalah makhluk yg sentiasa mengharapkan pertolongan ALLAH.

4. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita dapat KASIH SAYANG YANG TERBAIK,KHAS UNTUK DIRI KITA.

5. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita sedar bahawa ALLAH MAHA PEMURAH & PENYAYANG kerana mengingatkan kita bahawa dia bukanlah pilihan yg hebat untuk kita dan kehidupan kita pada masa depan...

6. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita dapat mengutip pengalaman yg tak semua orang berpeluang untuk mengalaminya.

7. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita jadi MANUSIA YG HEBAT JIWANYA.

8. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita lebih faham bahawa CINTA YG TERBAIK HANYA ADA BERSAMA ALLAH.

9. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita LEBIH MENGENALI KEHIDUPAN YG TAK SELAMANYA KEKAL.

Wahai sahabat yg kecewa,menderita dan sengsara kerana cinta, fahamilah bahawa kehidupan kita makin sampai ke penghujungnya.

Hari esok pun kita sendiri tak pasti samada menjadi milik kita. Gapailah keredhaan ALLAH dengan melaksanakan suruhanNYA, dan meninggalkan laranganNYA..

PERCAYALAH sesungguhnya ALLAH malu untuk menolak permintaan hambaNYA yg menadah tangan meminta dengan penuh pengharapan HANYA kepadaNYA..

~ALLAH knows BESt!~


emailed by : Doory.

Thanks :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cikgu Cikgu... I love all of you..

I remembered asking my teacher when I was in Standard One, “Cikgu, kenapa kita kena garis kat bawah tarikh dan hari bulan?’ Teacher, why do we have to underline the date and day?

At that time my teacher answered, it was part of teaching me to be discipline. I did not really get it at that time..but I realised that it actually have been doing the same thing until now, underline day and date and I made sure that it is and orderly manner, the line is made straight and neat.
Teachers have quite an influence on me in my life. From primary to secondary, I am blessed with teachers that did not just confine their teachings only within their subjects.

My best time of learning came when I was in Secondary school. I thank God that I was accepted into my beloved secondary school.

First day of school, during meet-the-teachers session was terrifying! I will never forget Mr KA’s introduction to us, I was really scared at him. Gosh..I really thought he was thaaaaaaaaat fierce. Well, months after that, he said his fierce introduction was did on purpose. Truth be told, he was not as fierce as he appeared the first time. Mr KA’s one of the teachers among all the other teachers around during my secondary studies, that taught more than just their subject, sharing life experience and giving piece of advice to live on. When ever I listen “Good Riddance (Time of my life)”, I would always remember his classes.

From KA to KZ to RZ, my teachers seemed to have very fancy nicknames.

5 years of my life in my boarding school was full with ups and down and moments to cherish...

There are many memories to share but these are among the highlights…

Lifetime experiences:

Experiment on Pantulan dalam penuh – total internal reflection. I remembered Mr Ang did this at my physics lab table. He insisted on getting the 90degrees angle because he wanted to show us how total internal reflection looks like. I also remembered him saying that you might not get to see this live if it wasn’t that time. Well, true enough, it was during that time total internal reflection was demonstrated live and years after that, even when I was in uni, I did not get to see it again.

I made Mr H sat with me to help answer my hundreds of questions on Accounts. I failed my first Accounts paper and was called to the principal’s office. I will never forget that moment. As many said, it is not how you started, it is how you finished. I may failed my first Accounts paper but Alhamdulillah, it was an A1 during SPM :)

There was a class that I will shiver myself to enter IF I am not up-to-date with the current news and happen to forget the entire cabinet line-up of Malaysian Government. Welcome to my history class. Well, one thing that I have to thank my Mr Rama, the habit of keeping myself up-to-date with news had really helped me a lot until now :) Thank you Sir.

Islamic studies classes are among my personal favourites. I appreciate the fact that my ustaz and ustazah did not confine the explanation and teaching within just the text book. I may not have shared this with many but their classes are for me, the true meaning of lifetime learning. The advices and the teachings still lingers and sticked in me. I also appreciate how open they were to received questions and doubts. I never felt discriminated or judged by them.

So did I ever get sleepy in class before?

Definitely! My droopy-eye class will be………………………. Geography! Haha. There was almost a mutual relationship between my eyes and Mr Rahman’s projector switch. The moment it turns on, my eyes will tend to turn off! :P ho ho ho. Honestly speaking, I do like the subject. Geography is one subject that made me want to travel the world. It is also one subject that I enjoy reading it over and over again. Now that I have started travelling more, I really appreciate what was taught before. It was like the words came alive! :)

Have I experienced being punished before?

Of course! Haha. The unforgettable one was during our Malay Language class. The whole class was asked to stand. We were badly scolded at that time. That class of all the strategic time it should be, was nicely the period before our favourite Chicken Rice lunch. Back in high school, chicken rice was the most looked forward lunch of the week and NONE of us dared to ask Mr K to release us to go for lunch. With the growling tummy… we heard footsteps of the others rushing down to the dining hall. I was telling myself “Cikgu…hari nasi ayam ni..udah2 ler marah tu..” :p We got another round of scolding for not having the guts to tell him that it was already lunch time and released to the dining hall. What happened next? Run for the chicken riceeeee !!!

These are just the tip of the iceberg on my entire journey in the high school. I have awesome teachers that taught me before and I can never imagine re-living my high school with a different set of teachers…

Mr Pefectionist… will take all the trouble to use the tools he had to draw perfect circle and good looking graphs.

Mr handsome… “ Saya handsome sebab saya tuck-in”, I am handsome because I tucked my shirt in – his campaign tagline to ask the boys to tuck in.

Mr Joker... “Lets go to the zoo” – his favourite line to cheer us up.

Unleashing creativity…the art class.

The only period of my life carrying Tatabahasa Dewan and a being a master in imbuhan – Cikgu KA’s class

Class the I need to think a lot..physics FIKIR.

My enchanted Magic class... Chemistry! That’s when you can see purple smoke and smell rotten eggs !

Physics lab…where I love to look at the Magic Eye graphics at the side wall. One of the pics was Saturn.

English Room was where there was a poster that written,“ Pen is mightier than sword”

Music room, where we practice fpr orchestra before rehearsals and performance. Ms Chiew, now Mrs Lee was my violin teacher that was very patient with me.

Computer Lab.. where I first learn to plan games with LAN connection.

Bilik MatSport (Computer teacher) was where I see server rack for the first time and know the existence of Windows NT Server.

Bilik dan Bengkel Kemahiran Hidup (Living Skills room and workshop) was where I learn to sew, cook, steps to open a business, get close to a real engine and see how it works and also solder electronics circuits which partly contributed my interest in taking Electronics Engineering.

I wish that God will always take care of my teachers and keep them in good life and good health. I gained a lot from them and there is no way I am where I am now if it is not because of them. To my Gurus, you are always in my heart. From exam subjects, life, relationships and even politics…my teachers did it all :)

To all my awesome teachers in Kolej Yayasan Saad, no one can replace all of you in me. Not forgetting, my teachers of Sekolah Kebangsaan Selayang Baru 2. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

To my friends, have a little prayer for our teachers.

To other teachers that are reading this…you’re always the heroes in shaping the future of the nation and indeed the catalysts for the National Education Transformation.

Cikgu Cikgu...I love all of you~ Happy Teachers Day! :)


Sunday, May 15, 2011

testing testing 1 2 3

Salam to all~

As much as I'm trying to find an easier option to blog, I have came across this blogger client app in the android i tried this one : Blogger-droid.

There is a lot to share..from Korea to National Youth Consultative Council. Many things was going on and of course, work is getting busier too.

This evening I shall be off to Bukit Bintang for the launching of National Youth Day by the Deputy Prime Minister. This year the celebration is going to be hugeeeeeeeee one!

We are trying to gather A MILLION youth over 3days youth gathering event in Putrajaya!

Well, if school assembly is the first thing that came across your mind when I said that, you gotta erase that and change to a picture of a city dedicated to youth and only youth for good 3 days!

This is one event that you shall never feel left out with. From gadgets to singing,fishing to dance gig,food fair to x-games and many more.There is something for everyone!

When I first saw the events line up, first thing that came across my mind was, this is one craaaaazy!! 200+ activities going on for the weekend. Parkour caught my eye, I will definitely check that out. I never got to see a live demo of it before and yes, paramotor!
Why paramotor? coz I'm itching to try out paragliding :-P so lets see how paramotor score first (before i burn my pockets to try paragliding) since it's already part of the event line up ;-) hehe

so will this gathering be like a huge school assembly? BIG NO.

I recommend everyone to head over to Putrajaya this 27 - 28 May 2011 and check out the activities around,I shall be there too :-)

I will also be really happy to know if you get to develop new interest by being there.

The maps,the event info and all,checkout the website for more info

See ya there!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I do.. haha :P

Salam to all..

yes,it had been awhile. I need to realign myself as well..
but anyway, i just feel like sharing this one song...
i think it is just too sweet to be true. i hope that one day i will get to feel what the girl in this song is feeling about her other half :)


here's the lyrics to share...

Colbie Caillat
I Do lyrics

It's always been about me myself and I
If all relationships were nothing but a waste of time
I never wanted to be anybody's other half
I was happy sayin our love wouldn't last
That was the only way I knew til I met you

You make we wanna say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Yeah, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I can live without it, I can let it go
Ooh, what did I get myself into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,
[ Lyrics from: ]
Tell me is it only me
Do you feel the same?
You know me well enough to know that I'm not playing games
I promise I won't turn around and I won't let you down
You can trust I never felt it like I feel it now
Baby there's nothing, there's nothing we can't get through

So can we say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let it go
Wooh Can I get myself into
You make we wanna say

Me a family, a house a family
Ooh, can we be a family?
And when I'm 80 years old and sittin next to you.

And when we remember when we said
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let us go
Just look at what we got ourselves into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,
Love you

More lyrics:


i just love this song.. it's sweet. very. oh my~haha :)


Saturday, April 02, 2011

It had been awhile

Hi peeps! It'd been awhile since I last posted anything been quite busy and also partly because of my faulty BB keypad... Haihh. Nway, I'm back!! :)

Now on my way to my cuzzie's wedding.
Talking bout wedding, feel blessed that my family still keep up with the customs and tradition. Well, generally I will say we Malaysian still embrace our culture.

Wedding is also where you will see people dress up nicely to go. If you are at a malay wedding,you will get to see the beautiful baju kurung,kebaya or modernise traditional costume at its best.

Me personally, looove to look at sarees worn at Indian weddings. From the intricate designs, to the colours,you will surely admire those.

As for the chinese, it will the cheongsam and the dresses. I was once at my chinese friend wedding, I loooove her cheongsam!!

Well...that's the fashion scoop. Above all of the above, apart from the good food, wedding is where family gathers, friends get together and more importantly we celebrate the love and blessing of the newly wed couple :)

To my cousin Wira and my new cousin Dzety, I wish both of all the best in the new life. I love you both :)


Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Monday, January 17, 2011


Nothing is impossible, but I doubt they could fit inside :P


So here comes my concluding post regarding the Perhimpunan Wira Negara Revolusi 1Malaysia.

There neither any sense of violence nor terrifying incidents happened throughout the event. It was just another youth event... One thing that should be observed is that, our youths can behave.

It is also good to see campaigns such as 1Belia1Kemahiran to be part of the event... because personally, I really feel that in all that participated, they do have their own skills that can be developed further.

The Minister of Youth and Sports , DS Ahmad Shabery Cheek once said that, he do hope and looking forward for more events that participants came full heartedly out of their own interest and accord. The 20k crowds that flocked Bukit Jalil from 7-9 January definitely did that. Those that was present came as far as Singapore, rode on their vespa to join the event.

The first step is there, to gather the youths to get to do to what they love most.. through a better channel. Maybe after this, it will be even better and bigger.

Personally, I had my piece of lesson as well. In terms of event organization, it taught me also that to have an event of that scale; it needs passion, commitment and determination. The whole event was held without any funding from the Government or GLCs or any other big sponsors. From individuals to small partners, it made the event a success.

There this one common sentence that tends to annoy me a lot, “kalau tak ada peluru, macam mana nak pegi berperang”. Translation: If do not have any bullets, how can you even go for a battle. Bullet metaphorically represents money. In their case, they did not have enough funding either, but it still came out well.

Apart from that, I understood the importance of having the right team. It is not about the quantity, it is on quantity. The event may be Bro Arman’s brainchild but it took only a team of 7 to be the backbone of whole planning. Of course, during the event day, there are people like me that worked as volunteers as well J

They taught me that nothing is impossible when you put your mind, thoughts and efforts full heartedly. For me, how they need to deal with some publics’ misperception, critics and sceptics will be just another part and parcel of life...and since it’s them, I think they got used to it by now already! Haha :P

To the 7s,if you’re reading this, good luck in everything you do bros!

To all my other readers, remember... NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.




If you missed the earlier posts...

here's PART 1 and PART 2

From eyem3's eyes.....

From my eyes...

I was driving on the MEX Highway when I spotted 2 Vespa’s making their way to Bukit Jalil. First thought that came into my mind was, “wow. They woke up early on a Saturday!!”. Haha. Nearby the turning to Bukit Jalil, I saw a bike, more like a skeleton of a bike, on a back of a pickup. I knew, that will be one of the bikes that will take part in the sprint test later. My driving continued... feeling sleeping on a Saturday morning.

Wearing the black tshirt for crew and tag, I reached Bukit Jalil on the Saturday morning to being my task as the crew. Task given: Taking care of the Lucky Draw registration. There was a lucky draw that let the one lucky winner took home a motorbike that worth RM 3999 !

Here’s our lucky winner...

*That was an advert*

Back to the story, when I reached there, there was already people!! I thought I was early and sleepy, definitely not the same case for those who had been there since early morning. Some even put up tent to sleep there as well. Another WOW came out of my mouth.These people are up early. Well.. it is not a norm for me to be waking up early on a Saturday, up and widely awake to be at an open air place. Well, that’s a about me, but definitely not them. J

It seems that there were even people that pitched up tents to sleep over, just to be early for the next day. There is surely a sense of commitment shown there which I am quite impressed off.

We set up the booth and everything ready for the lucky draw registration form. Some are shy, some are cheeky, some ICs are dull and old looking even though their born in 94, some has good looking brand new like IC even though they are born in the 70s. Many different ways of keeping IC s as well...

During the first day I was there, I helped many to write the lucky draw form for them. That was how I I got to see those different Identification Cards! :D and some, really look soo much better in person than the IC pic! He he he.

OK, here’s the more serious thing. Throughout the entire 3 days program, please note that there was NO group fighting, individual fightings or what so ever. It went peacefully well. The only accident that happened was when a biker carelessly did not brake his bike well during the sprint test and overshoot the track. Paramedics were there and he was treated almost immediately and all fine J

One thing for sure, I see how creative people can be.. From the composition of own songs that there were performing on stage, the airbrush designs on bikes and cars not forgetting, the type of stunts they could do. Stunts from BMX, skateboards and bikes... it definitely needed a lot of time, practice and passion. In short, I must say that I am in between the crowd that are passionate with what they love.

Apart from the motorsport related booths, there were also booths from JKJR, Agensi Anti Dadah, SPR and also MBM. Road safety was promoted and also bout dangerous drugs.MBM was promoting on the youth gathering that will be held in May as well as the new campaign of 1Belia1Kemahiran. The campaign of 1Belia1Kemahiran is to promote youth to further their studies for tertiary, a 2nd chance to the dropouts to do vocational studies, as well to upskilled and reskilled themselves. Also promoted there is DIPLOMA IN AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY which is recognized by the Malaysian Government as well as the international automotive industry. It is like a second chance for those who did not do well in their studies before to take up on skilled diplomas and earn better jobs.

Other than the activities at the event, the dressing was also interesting. Haha! I couldn’t get the pics of many.. but what you wear tell whom you are. You can really tell there are from which and which group. My personal favourite, was this 17yrs old girl. Didn’t get a pic of her.. she looks cute. Skinny jeans, green top and Rayban sunglasses, flaunting her long healthy black hair. Nice! She did not overdressed, it was just nice. *I’m straight, no worries*

My best dressed for male category goes to........

There you go!

DEPUTY MINISTER of Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia.

Little that I know that he’ll be this sporting to dressed up according to the event! Two thumbs up to you YB! J

I am sorry guys, Dato’ Razali top it all~ my best dressed man for the whole 3 days! Hehe. It is not a usual sighting of our Deputy Minister in such outfit officiating an event. Heck about the boring for Batik shirt, it’s a Woodstock-like gathering y’all~ This man got style!! J

He spent about 3 hours at the event after officiating it. Here are some pics of him...the youthful Deputy Minister. Oh ya, he’s also the Deputy Head of UMNO’s youth wing.

So there you go.. those are some stuffs that I can share about the event last week.

I would really love to share with you an interview with a stunt GIRL that performed during the event. Coolness! Tudung clad, with oversize sunglass, complete with all the safety gears, she’s one woman that can made men jaw dropped! Who is she...? Coming up in my later post... “She’s stunning!”


It took me quite awhile to sit down and write about this.. had been really busy. Sorry that the post came out late. J Hope you all enjoy it! ;)

if u missed the first part.. here's the PART 1


7-9 January 2011 , Bukit Jalil.


Just before I was writing this, I was looking at some pics taken during the Perhimpunan Wira Negara Revolusi 1Malaysia. It is mouthful to pronounce the full name of the event. Mouthful or not,it did not stop a total of 23737 youths from different walks of life to come over to Bukit Jalil and of course, it caught my attention as well.

When I first heard the name of the event, I asked the project director himself, Bro Arman Azhar, Ketua Wira PERKASA. Before that, let me give a little introduction about PERKASA. It is an NGO in Malaysia that fights for the right of the constitution to be followed accordingly. One their main issues raised are regarding the rights of the Malay race in Malaysia. Often misunderstood as racist, they are just another NGO that aims to uphold the constitution and nothing more. In PERKASA, there’s youth wing, which is headed by Bro Arman himself. They are very known to be very vocal as well. Some hate them, some dislike them but majority misunderstood them. Some even feel that they are a bunch of ultra racist individuals that has no life.

To tell you the truth, those in the youth wing that I met, they are just normal individuals like us. Nothing offensive about them and they do not discriminate what so ever. I had my preconceive ideas about them too in the beginning, but hey, you will not know until you make the effort to get to know. Off the stern faces, serious conversations and peaceful demonstrations, they proved to me that they are open, understanding and very youthful at heart! Working with them was not stressful but in fact, it made my weekend fun! J

So how did I lend myself in the event crew?

My tag

Simple,I volunteered for it. I wanted to know the other youths of my countries that I did not seem to get more exposure on to. Honestly, I only know a little on cars and almost no knowledge on motorbikes and its community at all. This event, it involved cars, motorbikes, skateboards, BMX and various indie bands all at one place. It was crazy!! And hell lot of people!!

The forgotten misfit.

I asked Bro Arman, what is the gathering/carnival is all about. He told me that it is about the forgotten youth. He wanted to gather the so-called forgotten youth in harmony to make their presence felt and also for others to learn about them. Bro Arman used the term forgotten, The Malaysian Insider news portal used the word misfit.

What about me?

I may not agree with Bro Arman to say it is forgotten. Not that they are forgotten but they were put too much negativity to them. Personally, it still doesn't sound nice to use misfit. They are all well and as fit as a lion! haha. Me kidding there. Nothing is wrong with that :P The only thing missing is the positive public perception.

I can’t deny the fact that the news reports even till movies, the motorbikes community left quite a uneasy perception on to the public.

During the event however, it was just not about the biker community which the popular termed as mat rempit by many, it is really about the youths that was paid less attention about.

They are neither forgotten nor unfit, they are just not given more attention to it.

To be honest, I may be surrounded by intelligent, idealistic and talented youths around me that are very inspired to become a leader... but the gathering opens up my eyes to the other side of the coin.

Most of them may not care on how UN works, international relations, world issues etc...but these are actually a bunch of talented people that have their own skills and waiting to be brushed up, getting the right people to spot them and trying their best to be spotted as well.

From the place I was at, the committee canopy, I could get 270 deg view of the event place, 90 deg blocked by the canopy next to ours :P It was from there that I started to observe...and from the visits to the event areas and talking to others, I learnt even more.

I believe that there are many good things hidden, that are waiting to be unleashed.

What did I observe during the 2 days that I was there...?

I will write that in Part 2 of my blogpost on Perhimpunan Wira Negara Revolusi 1Malaysia.

Till then~




sorry all the posting came out late..I've drafted earlier as always but kept in the laptop :P