Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"I dont need second chance.. I just need a chance from you to make you happy"

Istanbul here I come. That is the direct translation of the movie that I watched last night.
It was an in promptu decision for us to go and hace a movie outing in a weekday night. Aha!
So how was it? It was a Malay chick flick movie. Just a light one...mediocre acting but the nice part was where the shooting took place, Istanbul! From James Bond to this movie.. I think has caught my eye to have a visit to Istanbul. It's really beautiful :)

Back about the movie.. It is about a girl that went to Istanbul to look for her boyfriend of 6-years to make him propose. Well, to cut the story short, something went wrong in between they got into a fight instead and she got to rethink of whether is he the guy that she wants to be with.

What caught my attention and stuck into my mind was the what the new guy told the girl before she went back to Malaysia. It went something like this upon translation:

"I dont need second chance.. I just need a chance from you to make you happy".

That phrase just got stuck into my mind. Sometimes, many actually blew the chances given to them. Second chance is ok but not to be used in all aspects. I did experience seeing how some people still blew their second chance given which I bet many rethink why did they even give the second chance.

For what ever the reason behind the chances given, I believe that we must always appreciate any chances that is given to us...Chances are we never know when it will come knocking back to us again.

Sometimes we question the decisions we made... Sometimes we ponder what will it be like to go through the road that we did not take...

May it is high time for us to stop and think...are we actually doing the right thing :)


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