Friday, October 21, 2011

Hello Sayang~

Hello.. Hi sayang!

It is such a relieved to hear the person on the other line’s voice. Be it your love one, a friend or just someone that you need to call and talk to. Last night, I have a good chat with one of the closest person in my life that is currently thousands of kilometres away from me.

It is amazing how communication connects you with the world. Phone name it, as long as it helps you to communicate, that is what communication does best.

Telecommunication is a very beautiful field that not much known to many out there. From every successful call connected and internet connection connected, there are many unsung heroes behind the scene that made it possible.

Lets look at it from a different view all together…

I always put it this way, no matter how complicated a guy can be, communications is even more complicated.

As we are sleeping soundly at night…having the sweetest dream you ever wish for… There are people that are very wide awake to get upgrading, migration or planned maintenance work on your network done and successful. Time is limited, the work is a lot, and mistakes...are unwelcomed. Everything must be on time to ensure that the next day when you wake up, you’ll be able to call…you’ll be connected to the internet as if nothing happened.

When Malaysia started to lay out the fibre to the home services, many made remarks on why it was not available to whole Malaysia. Getting the hair-like optical fibre to the home, it is not as even like pulling a hair from a haystack...from setting up the local exchanges to the open cutting some of the roads, there are definitely souls that worked day and night, just to ensure that everything goes according to the schedule and more Malaysian will get to enjoy the magic of high speed broadband.

Your modem, your setup box, your phone, everything supplied by the service provider are all tested the compatibility with the current network. For these tech geeks, their working environment is mainly at the test beds which are generally cold with no windows. Armed with sheets of test plans and procedures, with weeks of meetings and planning to finalise the test plans and requirements, this army will then work hard like a bee to go through each test items.

I may be sexist at some points, but as unpredictable a man can be, so does the network. When it is kind, it makes everyone’s day…it can be choosy as well, not every equipment brought to the lab will be compatible with the network, no matter how sexy it could be ;)

Your painful wait to get your connections installed is also a killing worry to those involved. From working late and skipped meals, from a radiantly young to accelerated aging, from nightmare to sleepless nights…even Marvel superheroes may not be able to stand the challenge!

No doubt many service providers has not a favourable customer service but I wish everyone to just take a short break and look at telecommunication from another point of view all together.

If you ask me, honestly speaking, if there’s a major strike to happen, pray that it does not come from the telecommunication sector. Imagine a day with no phone calls, no internet, no communications also no flight in/out , you shall be totally cut off from the world. That is craaazy!

Truth be told, minus the drama, the tears, the sweat and the sleepless nights behind the scene, the goal is always one: To get you connected. It made me smile whenever someone appreciate the video call session with their love one overseas, the late night chats and the abundance of knowledge transferred across the web.

Everyone Connects! J

Hello Sayangs~
Somehow I bumped into this post that I wrote quite sometime ago and left in my notebook without posting. So here you go sayangss ;)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Good Relationship

Taken from one of the lecture notes I have...


S - Stop talking

A - Adopt active listening

R - Reflect content or feeling

A - Act with empathy

H - Handle the subject matter

Monday, October 03, 2011

Petua untuk mencari bakal suami yang baik

Petua untuk mencari bakal suami yang baik

1. Pilih yang baik dan beragama – agama nie penting kerana ia mendidik kita untuk menjadi insan yang lebih baik. Kalau takde agama, takdelah pegangan dalam hidup, kan? Nak didik anak bini pun susah. Lelaki yang beragama nie bukan sajer boleh memimpin dirinya sendiri, bahkan dia juga boleh jadi pemimpin yang baik kepada isteri dan anak-anaknya. So, sebelum melihat kriteria2 lain, lihatlah dulu pegangan agamanya, okey dan boleh tak si dia membimbing kita ke jalan yang betul kelak…

2. Cari yang sabar dan penyayang – semasa tengah berdating, mungkin you all dah dapat detect perangaiboyfriend korang kan? Penyabar ke atau pemarah? Cuba uji… misalnya berpura-pura buat bende yang dia tak suka ke, time tu la nak tengok dia melenting ke tak. Kalau dia marah tahap cipan, sah2 dia panas baran. Jangan pilih lelaki camni cik adik oii, kalau tidak, seksa hidup ko nanti.

3. Jangan nilai pada rupa – ‘don’t judge a book by it’s cover’..ataupun jangan nilai buku melalui kulitnya sajer! Sebab kecantikan luaran nie sementara ajer. Mungkin rupa si dia nie macam rupa orang pecah rumah, tapi mungkin hatinya baik. Kalau muka tu sehensem Tom Cruise, tapi perangai tak senonoh, nak buat aper, kan? Ingatlah nanti kalau kita tua, tua samer2. Kedut pun, kedut sama2 (melainkan ada salah sorang yang pakai botox…huhu :-) )

4. Hormat orang tua – sememangnya kite nak calon suami yang bukan saje taat pada mak bapak dia, tapi juga hormat pada orang tua kita, kan? So, kalau si dia datang ke rumah, perhatikanlah tingkah laku dia pada mak bapak kite pulak. Dia hormat ke atau kurang ajar?

5. Cari yang boleh mendengar dan mendidik – penting nie sebab kalau kita ada problem, ada jugak insan yang sudi mendengar luahan hati kite, betul tak? Bukan tu jer, kalau ada bende yang kite tak tau, si dia juga boleh mendidik kita khususnya dalam bab2 agama. Jangan 2×5 sudahler…:-)

6. Lihat pada family dia – nie biasanya dipraktikkan masa zaman mak bapak kita dulu. Masa nak cari jodoh untuk anak-anak diorang, mereka akan ‘melihat’ pada keluarga si lelaki dulu. Kalau semernya baik2 ajer, dapatlah ‘green light’…sebab ‘ke mana tumpahnya kuah kalau bukan ke nasi’nya, kan? Mak bapak kitalah juga yang membentuk kita untuk jadi insan yang berguna atau tak satu hari nanti. Tapi ada jugak yang mak bapak kurang baik tapi dapat anak yang baik…:-). So, nilailah betul-betul yer.

7. Pilih yang (ikhlas) sayang kat kite – maksudnya pilih jejaka yang betul-betul sayang kat kite. Jangan pulak pilih lelaki yang kita sayang tapi si dia plak buat endah tak endah je kat kita. Ada jugak kes di mana si lelaki nie berpura-pura sayang kat si gadis kerana hanya nak main-mainkan dia. So, kalau anda di dalam situasi di mana anda kena pilih di antara lelaki yang anda sayang dan lelaki yang sayang pada anda… sebaik2nya pilihlah option yang kedua tuh…:-)


Reminding myself and those who needs it :)

Credit to:

Salam October

Time flies~ it's already the 10th month of the year.
Going through the tough , rough, hustle and tussle of life, sometimes we forget to check and balance how do we actually spend our daily life.

Life has changed a lot for me. Alhamdulillah, it had been more peaceful in the inside. Umrah was quite a spiritual journey for me and of course, last Ramadhan was the most meaningful Ramadhan till date. I thank Allah for showing the path that I should.

Sometimes we felt that it's too late to change, to do something or to just give ourself a try onto something new. Trust me, it's never too late. You'll end up regretting not trying than regretting failing after trying. Of course, when you have given your very best,if it is stilll not good is time to move on.

This month is a wedding month I should say. Looking at my Facebook events invites especially, thanks for all the wedding invitations. Honestly, I might not make it to all.. but no worries, Insyallah, you have all my doa for a healty,peaceful and happy marriage life :) I wish you all the best and yes, do pray for me too :)

There's many things I wish I can share.. will do my very best to share. As much as I learnt throughout my life, I do wish to share with all of you too :)

Have a good October! Have fun :)