Monday, October 25, 2010

18th - 24th October part I

Salam All~
Had not been updating my blog well..I know.
Will try to fix some problem with internet connection at home asap.
Till then, will blog whenever I am able.

How was my week last week? 18th - 24th October. Intense, but fun! ;)

Mon and Tues :
-was at the international forum in PWTC. I got to listen to Tun M keynote address. He still has his flare and a thing for sure, he got style ! aha! :) One thing I like about him, is his calming tone.. he did not need to raise his voice or use too much gestures to express himself but his message was well delivered with a good punch to it. At the forum as well, I got to meet a number of big be in the same venue with them, it made my day.. BN component party leaders were also present. I got to seat with an UMNO veteran, one piece of advice that he kept repeating to me was "read, read,read please read and know the history...that is what I see lacking in the youngs". Shall put that in mind well.

-During the closing of it, he he he... I got to shake hand with the Prime Minister!! weeeeee~
I know I sound like a kid, but hey, it is my Prime Minister! :D I do not get to see him everyday live! :P Of course, there are many other nice encounter that happened along the way..

-In short, the forum was a very good exposure for me..from the speeches given from other reps, we could learn more about the happenings in the other countries :)

So what happened on Wednesday?
Coming up next ;)

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Quotes on learning

"Learning to write is learning to think. You don't know anything clearly unless you can state in writing.."

"Make it a goal to find ppl who will add value to you in areas that are important to you"

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