Sunday, June 09, 2013

My days after Blackberry

I never thought that a mobile phone can actually alter your daily life.. which I only realise when I sent mine to the distributor for the 3rd time last year. Life was taxing busy as usual and I cannot afford to wait for the 14 working days period to get back my phone which at that point in time. The urge to check on BBM, to check on email, tweets, FB and the list go on and on. I resulted to buy the cheapest smartphone in the market to cater for my emailing needs (Thats what I told myself, or I self-claimed ). Hello Samsung Galaxy Y. Retailed at RM350 at most handphone shops around at the time I bought it.

It could do almost everything a smartphone can do with a lower specs (2.0Mp camera, minimal internal memory & single core processor). Please bear in mind that I am shifting from 'The best Blackberry just yet' to this entry level Android.

Life took its turn. From the tonnes of notifications to check in the morning and such, everything just went quiet. I learnt to appreciate Whatsapp to replace BBM. It is not the same but I found it less addictive than the other. 

Went to my mobile service provider to stop my BIS service and guess what? I actually learnt that I can save RM30/month. That is actually RM360 a year! ( can buy me a running shoe ouhkay :) ). You might want to check how much you have been spending a month for your mobile. It is a possible expense that you can actually lower.

Yes I have tweeted and updated my Facebook lesser ever since but that was not because of my new phone.. merely of somthing else. Come 2013, one thing that I wish I'd do more is to write more.

I miss blogging.. Yes it does take some time to gather your thoughts and put it into writing.. but it is also nice to reflect on certain things that have happened in your life.

Most of the time, I found myself too mentally tired after a day's work. Maybe you would want to check your day to. Have some 'me' time for yourself to take your mind off the day work. Go hit the gym and sweat out or something.. or go for a good run. It is not something easy to start with but you'll love it.

Sometimes you might want to take a step back and think above all the daily 'busy-ness' at work plus the self-allowed juggling notifications and email in your phone or the end of the day, your life and your fullness of everyday day-to-day living needs to be in the top priority.

Bidding goodbye to Blackberry leads me to discover more on the real life. I am not suggesting you to do the same but I do suggest you to identify your own possible mobile addiction and to take yourself away from it. Be it texting, Instagram,Candy Crush or anything else under the sky. If it keeps you away from connecting you with the people around you, time to rethink and make your first move for a better you.
