Thursday, August 02, 2012

Assalam & Salam Ramadhan

Assalam & Salam Ramadhan

It felt just like yesterday when I went for the first terawikh at Masjid Wilayah with my whole family. today as I amwriting thisi piece is 11th Ramadhan, we are halfway through the holy month.

It was nothing common when I heard, read and learn that Ramadhan is such a special month for us Muslim.Day in and out it was nit until ast Ramadhan that I experience what has been said. A lot has happened before the last Ramadhan came by but those were what that lead me to take the turn in life.

I remembered about a week before last Ramadhan, when I decided to go and buy stocks of tudung to have enough for me to wear throughtout the month. Truth be told, I prayed to Allah to give me all the will to make it last forever. No doubt , it is true what I read before, to change is possible, but to be istiqamah with it, is challenging.

Time passed and here comes another Ramadhan, Alhamdulillah. I started this Ramadhan trying my best to replicate the spirit of Ramadhan in when I was in Mecca and Madinah. Alhamdulillah I was fortunate to experience fasting in Madinah and first day of EidFitr in Mecca. It felt like I was dreaming. Come to think of it, we registered and got everything prepared including registration,vaccination, visa n etc all within a month before departure.

We may mot have the same environment over here but we can always try to live our each day to the fullest. Try to seek for forgiveness, the guidance you need and the wish that you wished for.Insyallah, Allah will open the way. Be it Ramadhan or any other months, what ever we do, we must always come back to the One.
